
Tuttoquinoa is a leader in the marketing of Quinoa and superfood seeds in Italy and since 2022, thanks to important commercial agreements, the company has expanded its business to all of Europe and North Africa, being the exclusive distributor of the main commercial varieties suitable for cultivation in the European continent. We offer a 360 ° service to farms, from the supply of seeds to technical support for cultivation up to commercial support for the sales of the product. Tuttoquinoa directly tests all the varieties it offers to its customers for at least 2 campaigns, guaranteeing their suitability for the European climatic conditions and latitudes.
We also deal with the intermediation of Quinoa for food use and the production of superfoods at our farm in the Tuscan Maremma (www.toscanaturabio.it). In addition to Quinoa, we are developing interesting projects on the cultivation of Teff, Chía and Amaranth, products for which we can provide seeds (with the exception of Chía).

Tuttoquinoa is a leader in the marketing of Quinoa and superfood seeds in Italy and since 2022, thanks to important commercial agreements, the company has expanded its business to all of Europe and North Africa, being the exclusive distributor of the main commercial varieties suitable for cultivation in the European continent. We offer a 360 ° service to farms, from the supply of seeds to technical support for cultivation up to commercial support for the sales of the product. Tuttoquinoa directly tests all the varieties it offers to its customers for at least 2 campaigns, guaranteeing their suitability for the European climatic conditions and latitudes.
We also deal with the intermediation of Quinoa for food use and the production of superfoods at our farm in the Tuscan Maremma (www.toscanaturabio.it). In addition to Quinoa, we are developing interesting projects on the cultivation of Teff, Chía and Amaranth, products for which we can provide seeds (with the exception of Chía).

All you should know about growing superfoods and
pseudo-cereals can be found on our Blog

The history of tuttoquinoa

It is during a trip to Latin America (Argentina, January – February 2012), while attending an agri-food course at a university in Buenos Aires, that Dario Vannuzzi approached Quinoa for the first time. Upon returning to Europe (Spain), in 2012 he began self-taught research and studies on this plant, establishing contacts with researchers, academic institutes and producers throughout South America. In 2015, back in Italy, the Tuttoquinoa project was born, with the aim of starting production on the family farm, in the splendid Tuscan Maremma. An arduous challenge in which he always believed in.
The Tuttoquinoa.com blog, born almost simultaneously with the cultivation project, had a purely informative purpose. In fact, one of the main difficulties for those interested in Quinoa as a crop in Italy was represented by the absence of information in Italian. Thus, in a short time Tuttoquinoa.com became the reference for those who wanted to grow Quinoa in Italy.
The farm is partly dedicated to experimental trials of varieties (and lines) to identify those suitable for Mediterranean environments (over 50 varieties and lines were tested in the first two years), selecting four of them. In the meantime, the blog is enjoying success, but the farmers who want to try to grow Quinoa in Italy (who are becoming increasingly numerous) are faced with another issue: where can they find the seeds? Tuttoquinoa in 2016 obtained the authorisations to import and market the varieties suitable for the Mediterranean and Northern European area (those varieties selected during the trials) and is thus presently able to offer selected seeds of these varieties to farmers.
Thanks to the collaboration with Italian, European and South American academic and research institutes, and thanks to the hands-on experience, by closely following projects throughout the Mediterranean area, as well as the experience in the commercial field, Dario Vannuzzi is today considered one of the greatest experts in Quinoa in Italy, connoisseur of all aspects of this exceptional food and of all the stages of the production chain (seeds, cultivation techniques, post-harvest, cultivation and processing machinery, national and international market).